Quant Strats 2025

March 11, 2025

Quorum by Convene, NY, USA


AI 2020: the global state of intelligent enterprise

AI 2020: the global state of intelligent enterprise

What does the intelligent enterprise of the future look like? Which sectors are set to benefit most from artificial intelligence? And why are the perceived challenges so numerous and diverse?
Download this free report to find out more!
Insider Insights: Quant Strat Leaders on the Forces Driving Change

Insider Insights: Quant Strat Leaders on the Forces Driving Change

How are funds structuring their teams internally? Is machine learning as ubiquitous within capital markets as it is in other industries? Which innovative technologies are you focusing on over the next few years? How much are firms spending on third party companies? Hunt for talent – how are funds recruiting for top-tier talent? Download this free benchmarking report and find out more!